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panli_zju@126.com |
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个人简介 教育经历: 2010.1-2011.7,美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校,联合培养博士生(国家公派) 2007.5-2012.6,浙江大学生命科学学院,植物学专业,博士 2002.9-2006.7,华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院,生物学专业,理学学士 工作经历: 2015.1-至今,浙江大学生命科学学院,讲师 2012.7-2015.1,芬美意香料(中国)有限公司,植物学家 |
代表性论文、著作 Pan Li, Zhechen Qi, Luxian Liu, Tetsuo Ohi-Toma, Joongku Lee, Tsunghsin Hsieh, Chengxin Fu, Kenneth M. Cameron & Yingxiong Qiu. 2017. Molecular phylogenetics and biogeography of the mint tribe Elsholtzieae (Nepetoideae, Lamiaceae), with an emphasis on its diversification in East Asia. Scientific Reports 7: 2057. Pan Li, Ruisen Lu, Wuqin Xu, Tetsuo Ohi-Toma, Minqi Cai, Yingxiong Qiu, Chengxin Fu & Kenneth M. Cameron. 2017. Comparative genomics and phylogenomics of East Asian tulips (Amana, Liliaceae). Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 451. Luxian Liu, Rui Li, James R. P. Worth, Xian Li, Kenneth M. Cameron, Chengxin Fu & Pan Li*. 2017. The first complete chloroplast genome of Chinese bayberry (Morella rubra, Myricaceae): implications for understanding the evolution of Fagales. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 968. (* Author for correspondence) Chuan Chen, Minqi Cai, Bo Xu, Xinjie Jin, Ruihong Wang*, Pan Li*, Yunpeng Zhao & Chengxin Fu. 2017. Systematic position of Oreosolen (tribe Scrophularieae, Scrophulariaceae) based on nuclear and plastid sequences. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 5: 446-452. (* Author for correspondence) Zhechen Qi, Chao Shen, Yuwei Han, Wei Shen, Man Yang, Jinliang Liu, Zongsuo Liang*, Pan Li* & Chengxin Fu. 2017. Development of microsatellite loci in Mediterranean sarsaparilla (Smilax aspera, Smilacaceae) using transcriptome data. Applications in Plant Sciences 5 (4): 1700005. (* Author for correspondence) Luxian Liu, Chuying Zhang, Yuewen Wang, Fude Shang* & Pan Li*. 2017. The complete chloroplast genome of Caryopteris mongholica and phylogenetic implications in Lamiaceae. Conservation Genetics Resources 1-5. (* Author for correspondence) Xinjie Jin, Yao Chen, Joongku Lee, Zhechen Qi, Luxian Liu*, Pan Li*, Chengxin Fu. 2016. A new species of Smilax (Smilacaceae) from Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa 275 (2): 159-167. (* Author for correspondence) Zhechen Qi, Chao Shen, Yuwei Han, Ruihong Wang, Ruizheng Liu, Akiyo Naiki, Pan Li*. 2016. A new species of Smilax (Smilacaceae) from southern islands of Kagoshima prefecture, Japan. Phytotaxa 269 (2): 128-130. (* Author for correspondence) Zhongshuai Sun, Wenbin Zhou, Xinjie Jin, Tetsuo Ohi-Toma, Pan Li*, Chengxin Fu. 2016. A tale of two islands: parallel evolution of dwarfism in “Smilax biflora” (Smilacaceae). Phytotaxa 245 (2): 089-106. (* Author for correspondence) Luxian Liu, Xinjie Jin, Nan Chen, Xian Li, Pan Li*, Chengxin Fu. 2015. Phylogeny of Morella rubra and its relatives (Myricaceae) and genetic resources of Chinese bayberry using RAD sequencing. PloS one 10 (10): e0139840. (* Author for correspondence) Pan Li, Mimi Li, Yin Shi, Yunpeng Zhao, Ying Wan, Chengxin Fu, Kenneth M. Cameron. 2013. Phylogeography of North American herbaceous Smilax (Smilacaceae): combined AFLP and cpDNA data support a northern refugium in the Driftless Area. American Journal of Botany 100 (4): 801-814. Pan Li, Zhechen Qi, Shichao Chen, Kenneth M. Cameron, Chengxin Fu. 2011. Smilax ligneoriparia sp. nov., a link between herbaceous and woody Smilax (Smilacaceae) based on morphology, karyotype and molecular phylogenetic data. Taxon 60 (4): 1104-1112. |